Schramm Refocuses on Customers

December 2020

After almost 14 years in the United States Schramm’s Craig Mayman has returned to Adelaide to take up a new role with the OEM as executive vice ...
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A Year in Review

December 2020

Client focused strategies drive growth at Schramm In 2020 Schramm implemented a strong action plan to better serve their clients, despite operating in ...
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Supporting Clients During Global Pandemic

December 2020

Client focused strategies drive growth at Schramm The past year has proven to be challenging in a number of ways. Ensuring the safety of employees and ...
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Schramm Expands Global Reach Through Joint Venture

August 2020

To increase aftermarket services, Schramm has formed a joint venture with Salt Lake City-based equipment manufacturer and repair shop Hardwick ...
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Schramm Australia’s Aftermarket Services Keep Rigs Drilling

August 2020

By Justin Brown, Operations Manager, Schramm Australia As ongoing market volatility and financing challenges continue to deter some Australian ...
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Reliability a Key to Driller Satisfaction in Hammers and Bits

August 2020

Schramm’s Ric Goebel and Barry Pappin discuss the importance of Hammers and Bits customer service Even in a booming market, the line between profit ...
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Market Outlook: Navigating the Road Ahead

March 2020

By Craig Mayman A global pandemic that began in January 2020 has created an unprecedented health and business environment, introducing many unknowns ...
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A Strong Start, Meeting Aftermarket Demands

March 2020

A Message from Schramm Management: A Strong Start, Meeting Aftermarket demands As the first quarter of the year draws to a close, Schramm is pleased ...
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